si literatura engleza, limba si literatura franceza, limba si
literatura italiana, limba si literatura spaniola, limba si literatura
germana, limba si literatura rusa, limba si literatura latina, limba si
literatura greaca, limbi moderne, limbi clasice, limbi slave, limbi
orientale, limbi arabe, hungarologie, filologie clasica, filologie rusa,
rromani, studii iudaice, lingvistica, literaturi iberoromanice)
Teme lucrari de licenta diploma disertatie Limbi Straine:
A comparison between noun in english and romanian
A Glossary Of The Accounting System
Acne Vulgaris
Albert Camus - humanisme et revolte
Ambrose Bierce And The Representation Of Civil War
An American Ranch And A French Chateau - A Dishwasher`s Parallel
Analisi grammaticale e stilistica del linguaggio Guerra di Santi e Gli idolatri
Analyse of identity discourse of the Muslim women
Andri Malraux et la condition humaine
Application of nuclear tehniques in environmental studies
Architecture in the Medieval Age
Aspects of teaching English to the fifth and sixth forms
Aspects of time and place deixis in language
Beitrittsf-higkeit der T-rkei.
Biografy into drama in Brendan Behan s work
Case study concerning John Updike s fiction
Charles Dickens biografy
Collated Fractures - Another Look at T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land
Coloured expressions in english
Comparaison entre les adjectifs dits - temporaires en francais et en roumain
Comparison between the System of Government in Great Britain and America
Computational geometry algorithms for construction of convex hull in two dimensions
Computer Architecture in Minerva Virec Platform
Computing a Convex Hull
Conditions sociales politiques et culturels au 19eme siecle
Conflict management. The Nusa Tenggara uplands, Indonesia
Contemporary Branding - Case Study - Marlboro
Conversion of nouns
Correlation between the International Criminal Court, Iraq and the Game of Power
Critical Analysis Of The Recruitment System Of Piraeus Bank
Critical aspects of the work of Tennessee Williams
Critical Chain Project Management Applied to Construction Projects
Democracy And Government In The Uk
Der Mann auf der Suche nach sich. Josef Knecht
Der multimodale Text - Das Bild als didaktisches Mittel
Die Borse. Fallstudie Die Bukarester Wertpapierborse
Digit-lis -s Webt-rk-pek a turizmusban
Digital Camera System
Economic - based Distributed Resource Management and Scheduling for Grid Computing
Economics - A Terminological Glossary
El folklore de Espa-a - M-sica y Baile
El mundo de creacio-n de vela-zquez
Emotional Learning With Children
Epidemiologia molecular do Aedes albopictus (DIPTERA)
Etymology in onomastic studies
Eugene Delacroix
Existence of the United States of America
Expressing Modality in English and Romanian
Feedback auf dem Prinzip der Reprasentation, grosstadt mit Alfred Doblin
Formas regulares e irregulares del subjuntivo
Frankenstein - The Modern Prometheus
Funnel in the industry
General considerations regarding The Noun
George Eliot s novels an the Victorean features
Heimatproblematik. Problematica patriei
History Of Rock Music In The United States Of America
Il linguaggio della cinematografia attraverso gli anni
Implementation of Total Quality Management
Integrated Communication System For Inner Student Organization
Introducting English to preschool children.
Iron and Vanadium Complexes for the Catalytic Oxidation of Hydrocarbons - Chemical Catalysts and Biomimetic Models
Issues about life in Ernest Hemingways short stories
Jane Austen
John Updikes fiction
Kinderspiel als sozialisationsfaktor und lernfeld
Knowledge Economy. Economia bazata pe cunoastere
Knowledge Management in Medium - Sized Software Consulting Companies
Korte studie van Nederlandse spreekwoorden en hun Roemeense equivalenten
L art francais du Moyen Age. Architecture et symbole
L hardware e software utilizzati in motore rilutanzza
L-analyse de l--volution du ph-nom-ne de touristification dans les localit-s Lepsa, Gresu et Soveja
L-autobiographie chez Marguerite Yourcenar
L-impacte de la publication des sondages sur la perception des citoyens a l-interieur d-un cycle electoral, en ce qui concerne le spectre politique partisan
L-impacte des sondages a l-interieur du cycle electoral, sur la perception des citoyens en ce qui concerne le spectre politique partisan
La chanson de geste et l expression de l emotion
La Chute, m-thode pour s-en sortir
La circulation routiere dans lUnion Europeenne
La cryptologie
La gestion de projet au sein de l-Agence de presse RADOR
La musica y la danza en el folclore espanol
La musica y la danza en el folclore espanol.
La production et lexploitation du texte a lecrit
La production et lexploitation du texte a lecrit
La qualit- des noms et la grammaire des insultes
Language, Identity And Multiculturalism
L'art Gothique Au Moyen Age - studiu de caz Notre Dame de Paris
Le cahier des charges pour le jeu
Le credit bail dans l economie
Le diagnostic financier de l-entreprise
Le tourisme dans le municipe Piatra Neamt
Lease Financing
Legendele lui Gustavo Adolfo Becquer. Elemente de modernism
Les drames existentialistes de Jean-Paul Sartre
Les relations entre la Roumanie et la France dans le contexte de l integration europeenne
L'evolution de l-habitat urbaine dans la ville de Piatra- Neamt
Managing Personnel Recruitment And Selection Process
Marguerite Yourcenar, rep-res autobiographiques
Marketing Program. Study of case public service handling petitions from citizens
Martin luthers figur zwischen wirklichkeit und film
Martin Luthers Figur Zwischen Wirklichkeit Und Film
Measuring Advertising Influence on Consumer Choice
Media Hermeneutics
Medieval Age
Medieval Art And Architecture
Metaphor And Mentonymy In Cognitive Linguistics
Methodologie de l enseignement du francais
Modal verbs references
Modifications r-centes dans la physionomie p-riurbaine du municipe Piatra - Neamt
Multiple Choice Test Generator
Music in commercials
Neologismos Y Pr-stamos En Espanol
One Family Building. A New Architectural Design Villa
Oraciones copulativas
Parallele entre synonyme, morphologiques et des transformations derivationnelle
Party Competition In Central And Eastern Europe The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland And Romania
Pattern Discovery In Structural Databases With Application In Bioinformatics
PAUL CAZANNE - le p-re de l-art moderne
Personalities In American And Japanese History
Perspectives on the challenges and opportunities of the future EU enlargement
Perspectives on translation and the importance of translater
Peter Shaffer-s Amadeus - Play Versus Film
Phare Interim Evaluation Scheme
Policy For Distribution Of Goods And Services To Bank Raiffeisen Bank Sa
Possibility and probability in english grammar
Practical aspects of language testing
Procedural aspects regarding the article as the main central determiner in English noun phrases
Promotional Strategies of McDonald-s Company in Romania
Puritanism in the Scarlet Letter
Raiffeisen Bank Marketing Environment Analysis
Raiffeisen Bank On The Romanian Market
Re-focusing nigeria-s foreign policy during the democratization process (1999 - 2007)
ROMA -culla dell-italica civilta-
Sound Effects Mixer With Spectrum Visualizer Output (Semsvo)
Stude de faisabilite SC STAR LAND SRL
Studies And Researches Concerning The Influences Of Interactions Generated At Layersublayer Interface
Study about the corelation between adverbs, prepositions and adverbial particles
Synergistic effect study and qualitative assessment of heavy metals in coalbiomass briquettes combustion using ICP - OES and multivariate statistical analysis
Synonymie, morphologie d-rivationnelle et transformations
Teaching English To High School Students - A Discourse - Based Approach
Telecom Market In Romania. Orange Case Studies
Terminology and Lexicology
The Analysis of Ultimate Strength of an Orthotrop Deck Panel for a Tanker Ship, Under Normal Global Vertical Bending Stress
The book of mormon. Cultural approaches to pseudotranslation
The comparison between the Elementary and Secondary Forms in the United Kingdom and USA
The Concept Of Limit In Architecture; Its Application In A Rehabilitation Project
The control and stability analysis of two-wheeled road vehicles
The Creative Economy And Its Concepts
The Decline Of Sovereignty And The European Union
The development of investment process in Republic of Moldova by means of the stock exchange market
The Economic Impact Of Political And Military International Organizations
The English Gothic Novel and the Sexual anxieties
The Eu Institutions And The Need For Reforms
The Evolution of Batman as a Superhero Representative of Masculinity in Film from the 1980s until the Present
The Evolution of Exchange Rates
The family of law - Romanian and Anglo - Saxon families
The impact of secessionon war upon American culture
The Inflation and Its Targeting in Romania
The Influence Of The Outer Electrode Material On Ozone Generation In Corona Discharges
The inner of the student organization. The communication
The international marketing end the ideea of branding
The manner of expression in the phrase structure of modality
The Mechanism Of Banking Crediting
The Modernism In Literature
The Myth of Creation in Mary Sheley`s Frankenstein.
The Native American authors Sherman Alexie and the Canadian Thomas King
The Notion of Absurd in the Novels of Kurt Vonnegut
The Portrait of The Artist from the Modernist Point of View
The Recruitment And Selection Process In Human Resource Management
The recruitment and selection process in human resource management
The Renewable Energy Era - A Creative Managerial Approach to Wind Energy
The Romanian economy and the standards of European Union
The Romanian Market For Dairy Products
The Slang In Translations
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